如果你想接受挑戰,追求不斷進步,希望能提升合奏技巧,歡迎你加入「香港大提琴演奏樂團 Cellistizzimo Orchestra」,豐富自己的履歷,與我們一起分享音樂的喜悅!
- 於各類大型音樂廳公開演出
- 與不同界別的音樂家合作同台演出
- 參加暑期海外音樂營/巡演,接受國內外的教授指導
- 在商場等公眾地方演出,向大眾推廣大提琴音樂及分享快樂
Cellistizzimo Junior Orchestra 初級樂團
Kiddy Music 1.0
Age 1 ~ 2
Kiddy Music 2.0
Age 2 ~ 3
Kiddy Music 3.0
Age 3 ~ 4
Piano Prep Test
Age 4+
Cello Course
Age 4+
Kiddy Music 1.0
Body movement & dance
Rhyme & singing songs
Exploring sounds & tones
Kiddy Music 2.0
Sing songs & solfege
Body movement & dance
Small instruments playing
Finger play & keybroad fun play
Kiddy Music 3.0
Sing songs, solfege & letter
name, plus melody playback
on keyboard/instruments
Music theory & basic notes
Piano Prep Test
Targeted aural training,
instrument playing to prepare for
the Piano Prep Test (ABRSM)
Cello Course
Introduction to Cello playing
with good foundation in
musicality and finger building